New Graduate Students
Newly admitted students at the College of Engineering and Computing are those who have received an official offer of admission from the Office of Graduate Admissions for either graduate or non-degree studies.
Visit the Next Steps tab available to you in your Application Portal for instructions on submitting your Intent to Enroll, setting up your Mason email account, and more.
Review student policies and procedures available to you on the Graduate Student Handbook.

Graduate students from Mason Engineering's Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research develop a system to assess the effect of research on brand and reputation of academic institutions. The department offers master's and doctoral programs as well as an accelerated master's.
Graduate Student Resources
George Mason University supports graduate students through their education. Learn more about the support available to you and other tools that can support your education below.
Orientations and Events
George Mason University offers general orientation for incoming graduate students. This orientation available to students to take online. Students should complete the Graduate Online Orientation as part of their on-boarding experience. Visit and select ‘Student Login’, using your Mason NetID and password to begin.
The College of Engineering and Computing conducts program/department specific orientations for their new graduate students. This is in addition to the general orientation offered by George Mason University. Most department-led orientations are held for students one to two weeks before classes begin. For additional questions about program-specific orientation, contact your academic department.
Graduate Students benefit from CEC-specific resources and support. Click on the titles below to view recordings of the resources available to you as you begin your graduate education.
Library Services: School of Computing Programs
Library Services: Volgenau School of Engineering Programs
International Student Orientation is hosted by the Office of International Programs and Services every spring and fall term. All new international students in F1/J1 status are required to attend. More details are available at:
Gradstravaganza: Graduate Student Welcome Reception is available to all newly admitted graduate students. Learn more about this fun and exciting opportunity to network with your fellow graduate students and administrative faculty and staff who will support you through your education.